Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Sometimes I feel like I get a slap to the face that reminds me I am an outsider in a foreign land.

For example, when the young lady at the cash register tells me something in French and I have no idea what she is saying so she rolls her eyes at me and says something else to the customers behind me and they all start laughing . . . then I feel uncomfortable.

Or when the girl at the other cash-register asks me if I speak English, and then tries to pull the incorrect change scheme on me--at least I know I have some decent math skills--"non, non" I say to her when she tries to short me 5 euro. She glares at me and gives me the rest of my money. I look back and see everyone in line staring at me. . . I feel uncomfortable

Maybe I should just find a different supermarket. But they have my favorite cereal, so, for now, I'll suck up the uncomfortable, because it is worth it.


Ali said...

Oh I'm sorry girl. That is rude! That cereal is worth it, though!

Mandy said...

Sad Heath! I feel like that sometimes in the states though...

Miss you and we got your postcard! It was the nicest thing ever and totally made my day. You're such a good friend.

Kate said...

Way to go good math skills! You could maybe just buy the cereal at that market, and the rest of the stuff somewhere else. But that might be a pain.

Natalie said...

Bet that girl never tries the same trick on you again! Little does she know your math is way better than her French.

Christa said...

oh :( well good for you to just show them where to stick it. I can't believe that she tried to short change you...what a little prick. I'm glad you are so good at math, and so confident. I probably wouldn't have said anything and then would have complained about it. haha I'm such a little chicken when i feel out of place.

A Mitton said...

That cereal IS worth it. But it's too bad they treat you that way. I'd get so angry, haha. I always feel uncomfortable when I have to ask people in Boston things that I feel like I should already know. Hopefully it'll get better for you.