Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Street Performers and Beggars
Mitch and I laugh at which one are the most ridiculous and the ones that are our favorites. One guy has a bunch of bunnies with collars . . .maybe he could eat if he didn't have to pay to feed all those bunnies. Another girl decided to practice the violin in the metro station and see if she could pick up a few extra bucks. I doubt she did cause her scales were so out of tune. We laughed as we walked past a lady who had her dog play dead to get sympathy money. But this guy, in Paris, was our favorite, and we did acutally give him a Euro. Pretty cool huh? I didn't even get some of the best tricks on film! (like twirling while doing a hand stand and holding the ball with his foot)
And check out my sister-in-law's blog to find the latest on the miracles in their family. I hope to have the faith that she and my brother posess.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
New Home
This is the entry way to the building Mitch and I live in. This skinny building I think is entirely owned by our land-lady who has the basement and main floor to herself. Mitch and I live in the middle floor, and one man lives on the top floor. What I love about this building are the super tall, old doors with antique knobs. I also love the pretty crown-molding on the ceiling that is too hard to capture on camera. Anyway, Mitch is standing in the narrow stairwell that we walk up to our apartment.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Mitch's Contribution
There is nothing quite like…
…being the youngest person sitting around a lunch table with 10 different people from 10 different countries and being one of only three people married. My boss is married. He has a husband.
…walking down a street and seeing a guy peeing in a nifty open-air urinal.
…hearing a commotion outside, going to your window where you then see a five-minute fight going on between a group of local Turks. (We are on the third floor and they were across the street. I think it should be a one time thing).
…having a mandatory car free Sunday in the city of Brussels.
…enjoying a cone of frites (that’s french fries) when about 100 bicycles drive ride down the street with a marching band.
…finding Heather’s favorite Israeli cereal and eating three boxes of it in five days.
…having a land-lady who only speaks French. Sorry Heather.
…hosting the head of the IMF, an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and the Chief Economist of Google in three consecutive days at work.
…discovering Hulu doesn’t work in Europe. (We tried several suggestions for getting around the problem, but it still persists) This means no Glee till December.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
There is nothing quite like . . .
. . . Getting onto a dark night train, quietly making your way up the ladder in pitch black to crawl into your bed, only to find someone else IN your bed.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
2 weeks of crazy adventure
I will have to do a video tour of our lovely apartment and balcony and post it up.
The past two weeks were so crazy, tiring, awe-inspiring, fun, emotinaly, motivating, exhilarating, relaxing, etc. I could talk forever about it, but for now I'll just give some sneak-peak pictures, and then maybe talk about each country one post at a time as to not be overwhelming.