Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Street Performers and Beggars


Mitch and I laugh at which one are the most ridiculous and the ones that are our favorites. One guy has a bunch of bunnies with collars . . .maybe he could eat if he didn't have to pay to feed all those bunnies. Another girl decided to practice the violin in the metro station and see if she could pick up a few extra bucks. I doubt she did cause her scales were so out of tune. We laughed as we walked past a lady who had her dog play dead to get sympathy money. But this guy, in Paris, was our favorite, and we did acutally give him a Euro. Pretty cool huh? I didn't even get some of the best tricks on film! (like twirling while doing a hand stand and holding the ball with his foot)

And check out my sister-in-law's blog to find the latest on the miracles in their family. mattandnatclan.blogspot.com. I hope to have the faith that she and my brother posess.


Mandy said...

Neat Heath. Maybe not everyone could hear how out of tune the violinist girl was but you definitely could!

We missed you at Bryan's shower. It just wasn't the same.

Christa said...

fun video. looks like you guys are having a great time. I'm glad. can't wait to see you when you get home.

Ali said...

So funny! Grant loves those street performer people. At a younger age it was his ultimate dream to become one someday. haha! Miss you! Also, I read Matt & Natalie's blog and it is so awesome & happy! :)

A Mitton said...

Heather, that's awesome. There are some crazy homeless people in Boston too.

And Mitch, AP's entry on vice president says: Capitalize or lowercase following the same rules that apply to president. Do not drop the first name on first reference.

The president rule, of course, is always lowercase unless it's being used as a title. "The president of the United States" versus "President Obama". But I don't know about the hyphen, is that a UK thing? Oh wait... yes it is. According to The Economist Style Guide. So use the hyphen (UK usage tends to be more hypen-happy than American).