Thursday, January 6, 2011

What is Next?

I thought I would be really sad to graduate. Those who know me well know I've always been a diligent student--its part of my internal balance. What would life be like for me when I'm no longer a student? I used to shudder at the thought. Well, instead of being sad about graduating, I find myself very anxious for April to come so that I can discover where Mitch and I will be for the next three years--will I be working? will I be in a graduate program? will I just be tyring to have a baby? (Okay, maybe I should be a little scarred with the fact that I really don't know any of these answers yet and it is getting close, but I'm still just anxious)

The questions are endless and I have found that I am tired of having to run into old faces on campus and come up with awkward conversations to act like I am interested in gaining a close kinship that didn't even exist when we knew each other. (Really, you can only keep in touch with so many people, and there are just too many familiar faces). I am so excited to create floral arrangements, become an expert bowler, learn the thriller dance in Aerobics, and soak up my last econ classes; but mostly, I'm just ready for April to come.

What time are you looking forward to?


Kate said...

Picking a new bedspread to complete the room updates, then hanging pictures on the walls.

Rachael said...

girl i totally agree with the all too many the familiar faces around campus. But that excludes you...i really did love seeing you the other day!
Isn't it weird growing up with all of these big life changes?
Good luck!
Love ya!

Adrienne said...

I think we will be happily having/raising our babies while our husbands slave away in law school :) 3 months to go!

Christa said...

um...sounds like fun classes for the last semester! :) I took bowling...I still suck. I can't believe you are so close to graduating! good freakin job Girl!