Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear Grandpa,

We haven't talked in a while. In fact, I don't think I've ever gotten to talk to you really. And yet, I feel this real sense of closeness to you. I think that you and I are a lot a like. I use your violin, but you already know that. You came to all my concerts and performances. You sat through all those hours I practiced, not even whincing when I played out-of-tune.

Now I am at college, and I am finding out a lot more about the legacy you left behind. You see, academics is very important to me, I really like studying and learning more, and I suppose I get that from you. I'm not crazy about writing long papers, I don't have a creative sense of style, but yet I learn and remember things really quick. Math clicks in my head, and that is why I do so well in Economics. I wonder if I would have picked math over Econ if I knew more about you before. But I'm glad I picked Econ, because it is my passion. And even more importantly, if I didn't major in Econ, I wouldn't have found this information about you. You see, my econometrics professor, James McDonald, once took math classes from YOU. I am going to work as his TA next semester, and you know what he told me? He told me that you would be proud of me. I hope you are proud of me Grandpa. I think that if you were in my place, you would have picked economics too--what can I say? It's just so fun!

I learned that you have a large math scholarship named after you at Utah State. What a great way to leave behind a tangible legacy of your passion. So even though I haven't talked to you much, in a way I know you so well, because I know myself. I hope to be more like you in the future. I don't think I'll end up as a math professor--you see, I have some of grandma in me too, I want to have kids--but I do want to leave some sort of legacy behind. Any ideas? I love you Grandpa.



Mandy said...

This is so touching Heather... I had no idea you were like your Grandfather! In fact, I've never heard you mention him. But I am so proud of you too, you are so smart and good in every aspect. Thanks for always being a good example to me.

Kate said...

Thanks for sharing that info--I learned some new things too.

Lizzy said...

Cute. Heath you're such a smartie.. I wish I had some of your grandpa in me :) I've never taken economics but I have a feeling I wouldn't love it quite like you do.

I do miss math though

cheryl said...

This is so sweet Heather! I was so hoping when I saw "Dear Grandpa" as your title, that you were talking about my Grandpa too. Tayli is carrying on the violin in our family and I think of him often and wonder if he is smiling down on her. Saturday is her first recital, maybe he will be there. And math, I'm always trying to figure out some math problem in my head! What a sweet legacy he left for us. Love you.

Laura said...

Heath, you already are. I love you so much! Oh my brilliant friends :)
You're great!

Matthew said...

Very nice. I still have his other violin that I will use on Sunday.