Thursday, October 8, 2009


A starnge little hut sits on a large stretch of green grass in between the Joseph Smith Building and the Spence W. Kimball Tower at BYU. It is draped in white sheets and has branches for the roof covering. If I had walked past this just over a year ago, I would have asked "What is this? And what is it for?" But now I know. I know because I saw several, at least a hundred, similiar huts to this one, not here in the U.S., but in Jerusalem! What are these little huts? They are called Succoths in Israel, but a more familiar term here may be a tabernalce. The Feast of Tabernacles has started. In Jerusalem right now, every Jewish family would have a succoth at their home. Every restaurant in West Jerusalem would have one outside of the restaurant, and even the Governmental buildigs have them! They are everywhere! I stood in one at a gelato shop and at my ice cream inside it once. I am grateful that BYU shows our link to Jerusalem, and honors the Feast of Tabernacles!

Happy Succoth everyone!

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