I consider myself a Harry Potter Fanatic. I've read all the books at least three times, and my favorite ones perhaps 4 or 5 times. I love the movies, even if some of them are cheesy or poorly made, and I have been known to day dream of life at Hogwarts on occasion.
On facebook, everyone is talking about how amazing Harry Potter is. Its almost as if its a contest to see who exactly is more devoted to Harry. And I found myself wondering what the world would be like if everyone loved the scriptures as much as they love Harry Potter.
I even wished myself once that the scriptures could be as fun to read as Harry is. I think I would read the scriptures A LOT more if they were. Then I realized, there are so many stories from the scriptures that ARE just as good.
For example, think of having to work for 14 YEARS to marry the love of your life? If that were a classic book it could have potential to top Pride and Prejudice for the ultimate love story. And what about the war stories in Alma? There are so many good ones that could beat out the Patriot or Gladiator for the epic battle movie. We think watching a man trying to survive on an isalnd like in Cast Away is fascinating; well what about watching people try and survive in a boat "tight like unto a dish" without having any idea of where they are going?
I have learned two important principles that I need to always remeber. First, the scriptures aren't meant to entertain, they are meant to to teach us faith and obedience. And second, maybe I should devote my heart better to the scriptures than to Harry, because the stories are just as motivating, and what is even cooler-they are TRUE stories.
So, I still love Harry, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to read the books over and over again. But I've decided to instead of devoting my time to telling people on facebook about how obsessed I am with Harry, to make a better effort to apply that love and devotion to the scriptures. I think it will be very rewarding.
And P.S. Harry Potter does have some awesome ties to our relgious beliefs. Thanks to Allison I am learning some really neat connections.
Do you ever think about which scripture stories would make for the greatest books or movies?