Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mitch's Contribution

There is nothing quite like…

…being the youngest person sitting around a lunch table with 10 different people from 10 different countries and being one of only three people married. My boss is married. He has a husband.

…walking down a street and seeing a guy peeing in a nifty open-air urinal.

…hearing a commotion outside, going to your window where you then see a five-minute fight going on between a group of local Turks. (We are on the third floor and they were across the street. I think it should be a one time thing).

…having a mandatory car free Sunday in the city of Brussels.

…enjoying a cone of frites (that’s french fries) when about 100 bicycles drive ride down the street with a marching band.

…finding Heather’s favorite Israeli cereal and eating three boxes of it in five days.

…having a land-lady who only speaks French. Sorry Heather.

…hosting the head of the IMF, an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and the Chief Economist of Google in three consecutive days at work.

…discovering Hulu doesn’t work in Europe. (We tried several suggestions for getting around the problem, but it still persists) This means no Glee till December. 


Mandy said...

Haha! "He has a husband."

I love hearing about your crazy adventures.

A Mitton said...

*gasp* You found the awesome Galilee cereal?? I'm so jealous! I think about that cereal all the time.

Katie said...

I'm sorry Mitch. No hulu is definitely a tragedy. Hope you can get through it ok.